I have not completed my Website in an shape or form, however i believe i have gained enough insight to write a reflection. I will continue to improve my website. Please visit my website here.
I used Weebly to create my website and found it very easy! Check it out and create your own website today.
Using websites as a teaching and learning tool in classrooms is an effective way of delivering content. However, teachers must ensure it is still interactive and engaging. The TPACK framework should be explored in this content to ensure teachers are using websites effectively. After a while, if correct TPACK and pedagogies are not employed, students will disengage. Ross Crear (2013) states, Websites are essentially an 'online textbook'. This is if engaging activites are not included on a webpage. Please check out his view on this subject on his blog. Teachers need to ensure websites are not just jam-packed full of information which will disengage students.
If used effectively, websites can be great in the classroom! Teachers can create units of work which are placed on a website. These can be accessed by students any hour of any day. Teachers can upload almost any type of media as well as upload assignment and homework tasks related to this content.
Students can also create their own websites to explore their own creativity. It can also allow teachers to monitor their understanding and learning. This is an engaging way for students to present assignment tasks and weekly activities.
Bellow is a PMI table of my beliefs of incorporating websites in learning.
Access 24/7
Any media can be uploaded
Self learning
Entirely controlled by creator (unlike
Easier to understand (than Wiki’s)
Anyone can access a published website
Can become monotonous
Little room for collaboration
'Online textbook' (Crear, 2013)
Has been around for many years in
Great post Shanice. I love that you highlighted the quote from Ross Creer about websites being like an online textbook. I believe that the purpose of having a classroom website is to encourage students to learn to explore a topic rather than just use what they are given in class. I added in a blog page to my website via Weebly as well as links to websites focusing on each KLA. They were very general websites that covered a whole subject rather than just the area we would be focusing on in class. Feel free to have a look http://www.mrsfluggesonlineclassroom.weebly.com/what do you think we could do as educators to ensure that students do not find accessing the website monotonous or do you think that a tool such as a blog or wiki would serve a better purpose?