Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Working on a Wiki :)

 Working with a wiki was a new experience for me and took me a while to get used to. However, after getting used to it I discover what an effective tool it can be! I now see how useful it could be in a classroom environment to engage students and incorporate the use of ICT. Mobile phones in education is a big passion of mine! I could rant for hours and hours on the topic! But I wont…. By using this wiki in a structured environment we are able to view many different incites into this topic and allows us to alter and incorporate different thoughts into our ways of thinking.  I know my mind was opened to different views which allowed me to create more questions and answers on where education is heading and how we can achieve this!

DeBono’s hat theory is an interesting concept. I’m not quite sure I used it correctly… however I believe each colour could be interpreted in different ways by different people.  The idea of this theory is to create an activity which is structured and to ensure the maximum is learnt in a fun and effective way. This could be a useful theory in a classroom situation and can allow students to change their views or see different perspectives.

So how does this activity relate to theories previously studied??

If this is successfully used in a classroom this could form part of TPACK’s framework.

Using mobile phones will allow teachers to teach students how to find effective sources and information, which is the soul purpose of ‘Connectivism’. For more information on this topic please read my previous blogs.

Overall, I believe this was a successful experience and an accomplishment in my future. I will endeavor to include wiki’s in my learning and in my future teaching!

Finally, on the topic of Mobile phones in Education, I found a simple YouTube clip from an American teacher. It was only simple however it showed a few possibilities for mobiles in a classroom. Check it out!

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