Monday, April 8, 2013

Group Tools 3- Powerpoint and Prezi's

Visual presentations have been used across all types of education for many years. The most popular of these tools is Powerpoint.

Powerpoint has been around since 1995 and is actively being used within australian classrooms ever day of the schooling year (Some may so it is being overused). Without the dedication to learn and research possibilities within programs further, it is hard to achieve successful learning outcomes. Powerpoint can easily become static and dull if not effectively utilised.

Powerpoint is a useful tool for presenting information in a straight, to the point manner. It can reduce heavy block texts and can incorporate multimedia including videos, links, music and images. This is if it is appropriately used. Too often, presentations contain too much information and ineffectively incorporate very little, interesting media.

The most useful part of powerpoint is that is can be used without internet access. If you have access to multi media on your computer, you should be able to create an entire presentation without internet. There is also countless tutorials, books, and websites to help you if you are ever unsure.

Bellow is a PMI analysis on Powerpoint:


  • Reduces reading, allowing only useful information and time saving
  • Offline- All can be done without internet
  • Incorporate use of multimedia
  • Can be engaging (if utilised well)
  • Plenty of tutorials and information if you need help
  • Allows information to be retained 



  • Can be boring and dull if not utilised well
  • Can take a long time to get a great presentation
  • Can deter from content if not careful


  •  Can be used for further use in movie making software and Prezi's 
  • Multiple use's- quizzes, collaboration etc.

To me, powerpoint is an excellent base to presentation creations, however it is with the combination of other tools that a great presentation is made. Prezi's are a online application which was established in 2009. It is an interactive and unique way of presenting information in 3D, create storytelling, allow brainstorming and collaborations.

Above is my first creation. It is not elaborate by any means, however it allowed me to gain insight into the application and experience its potential. I believe it is a tool which i will effectively incorporate into my learning and teaching.

I believe majority of students would find this program appealing and exciting to watch. By engaging students, they will inevitably remember information. Powerpoint and Prezi's can be used for countless activities in the classroom. However, i believe i would mostly incorporate it into presenting information and collaboration. I would use multimedia throughout, ensuring the relevance to content knowledge.

Bellow is a PMI analysis on Prezi's:


  • 3D engaging tool
  • Creative
  • Simulation for visual learners
  • Free to use online
  • Quite easy to use


  • Can be time consuming
  • Requires internet- opposed to Powerpoint
  • Copyright infringement possibilites 
  • Needs to be purchased if wishing to save to portable disks
  • Not as interactive- more of a presentation tool


  •  Can add plenty of multimedia
  • Can import powerpoint slides 

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