Saturday, April 13, 2013

Working Safely, Ethically and Legally Online

Students should be educated and informed of safe, ethical and legal practices whilst working online. Educators should ensure they are promoting and leading by example, helping to better educate students of  internet usage in and out of the classroom. With online dangers accelerating rather than diminishing in todays society, it is a must for all students to understand their responsibilities online.

Online Safety

Further Reading/Resources

Access/exposure to inappropriate materials such as pornography, sexual, violent and illicit materials.

Identification theft- Hackers can gain access to a students identification and personal information.

Bullying- Students can be the victim of bullying or can use the internet to bully others.

‘Child Predators’- Students may be exposed to child predators whilst working on sites such as Facebook,  Twitter, etc.

Virus’s- Students should be aware of pop ups and virus’s which may be downloaded from sites. These may destroy work, computer hardware etc.

Ethical Practice

Further Reading/Resources

Students should ensure they correctly reference materials to ensure the correct credit is given to authors, photographers etc.

Students should also be given the tools to determine accurate sources for assignments.

Teachers need to create referencing guides to ensure students are aware of how to reference and which format they should reference their materials.

 Legal Practices

Further Reading/Resources

Ensure students are aware and implement correct Copyright procedures. Students need to be made aware of rules and laws associated with Copyright and the consequences of misuse.  Eg. 10% rule.

All students should complete the school ICT agreement at the beginning of the year/course. (Where implemented)

Students should be shown where to locate free sources such as images.
- Creative Commons

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